So why should I attend a retreat?

I hear you asking this question when you see a retreat advertised… “Why on this gracious, great earth should I invest in some time just for me?” “What the heck am I going to get out of it?”

You explain to your beautiful self that retreats are full of like minded humans who are there to connect with Nature and re-connect with their bodies and minds. You go further and explain to your cute self that pausing from your adult responsibilities to warm your heart with laughter and learning about ancient ways of health (and letting someone else do the cooking just for once) actually makes you more productive (and resilient and grateful for what you have) when you head back home to manage your life load.

Well, look at you, you clever, enlightened and curious one; you just answered your own question! I can see that you are already listening and trusting your inner guidance x

Come along to one of our upcoming Seasonal Retreats or book one of our RetreatMe packages at your place anytime with some mates who need some love!

KerrynandBridy Retreats

We are passionate about self-care and nourishing lifestyle choices.  Our retreats are designed to give you space to pause from the busy-ness of your life and practice self-care.


Mental Health and Nature


Self Care and Self Love whats the difference?