
As the year rattled to a close my body and mind signaled for rest and ‘down-time' from my 2022 routines. ‘Burnout’ feels like a good wrap up word for last year for me.

Annnnd as the dawn of the new year rubs up against me I lean in to a reset and renewal mode. I’m getting excited about the freshness that arrives with new-ness and the wonder of the possible adventures that will unfold in 2023.

It is at this time of the year that I want to spend time nurturing my mind-body connection whenever I like rather than before or after work or after my other commitments in a “survival" type way.

The urge to enjoy more hours of play and getting things done around the house while the weather is good stays lodged at the fore front of my mind at least for a week or so.

I can often put loads of pressure on myself to ‘do this year better than last year’ but you know what? Every single day the sun rises and with it comes a new opportunity to feel, think and believe differently.

A new year can be a wonderful time for starting anew and initiating small changes towards health. But so can EVERY new dawn, of EVERY day. How can I support myself each day? When we choose health we can get through ANYTHING life throws at us and do ALL THE THINGS!

Some ideas: Get in to nature with bare feet on the grass, drink a bit more water, a bit less alcohol, eat some more plants today, learn something new - there are free workshops online about composting and you get a discount on compost bins here: free compost workshop - do you realise how much of an impact you can have on the environment by composting your food waste??!! It feels good to make the effort! Move your body in fun ways, find joy and gratitude in small things.

Go well in to each day x

KerrynandBridy Retreats

We are passionate about self-care and nourishing lifestyle choices.  Our retreats are designed to give you space to pause from the busy-ness of your life and practice self-care.


Abby's Birthday Retreat 2022